A busy PC year is coming to a close with a number of events completed. More Hot Topics held a well-attended event on May 12 featuring Fr. Justin Wylie and will follow-up with George Horton, Catholic Charities, on Jun 9 speaking on Homelessness: An Evening of Sharing, Reflection and Hope. STM's inaugural Religious Education program for young children begins Sep 17, 2014 for Gr 1 boys and girls. Registration is already underway and sign-up forms can be obtained from the Parish Office or downloaded from the website. We look forward to parents registering their children early, ensuring a place and enabling better planning for the program. STM?s first Sunday Cocktail Hour was held on May 4 celebrating a Cinco de Maio theme. Our thanks to the parishioners who dropped by to make this a success! Please mark the first Sunday of the month in your calendars as we build a vibrant parish community and spirit amongst 545pm Mass parishioners.
Over the course of the next few months, parishioners will notice a number of small, but meaningful renovations in and around the parish. The Baptismal Font will be replaced with a larger bowl placed nearer to the front entrance to enable all parishioners to replicate the baptismal blessing each time they visit the Church. The Rochester Room will benefit from enhanced presentation facilities. Space on the 2
nd floor of the Parish House will be renovated for use by STM's new Religious Education Program. Funds collected through the efforts of the More for Less Fair have been recommended for a ramp entry project into the Church. This project is at the architectural consultation and design phase and intended to ease access for a wide spectrum of parishioners.
Last, as the 2013 - 2014 PC year comes to a close, elections are underway for 2014 - 2015. Parishioners are invited to join the PC and contribute to a strong and vibrant STM parish community. Please see the Sunday Bulletin or website for details. Election ballots will be available May 26 - Jun 8 both in the church and on the website.