St. Thomas More 65 East 89th Street New York, NY, 10128 (between Madison and Park) (212) 876-7718 |
Our Lady of Good Counsel 230 East 90th Street New York, NY 10128 (between Second and Third) (212) 289-1742 |
This Sunday, we will have an emergency second collection to aid the victims of the in
Your generosity is appreciated.
Got Love?
All are invited to a talk on
How My Catholic Faith Transformed
and Elevated My Marriage
Tuesday February 11th at 7pm
[email protected]
Bus Pilgrimage
Friday, Jan. 24, 2025
5:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C.
Join the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York and the Sisters of Life in advocating for the sacred dignity of every human person through our annual pilgrimage.
The bus will depart at 5:00am from
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
(between 9th and 10th Avenues)
and return between 9:00pm and 10:00pm.
Total cost is $60.
To register, go to
Questions? Contact Sr. Elena Marie
at 646-476-0931.
In cooperation with the New York Common Pantry, we are asking parishioners to donate boxes of dry pasta, rice, quinoa, canned beans, vegetables and soup. Contributions can be placed in the collection boxes located in the back of each church.
We and the New York Common Pantry,
thank you for your generosity.
Volunteer Opportunities
Saturday Breakfast for the Homeless
Saturdays 7:00am - 9:00 am
Help our neighborhood homeless by helping to set up, serve and clean up.
Little Sisters of the Assumption
After school pantry work, tutoring.
NY Common Pantry
New York Common Pantry needs volunteers to help serve hot meals, and to help with the on-site packing, organizing, and distributing bags of food for
individuals and families from our community.
Three hour morning or afternoon shifts are available from Monday to Saturday at either
Questions can be directed to [email protected] and [email protected]
please contact [email protected]
Mass Schedule
Daily Mass will be celebrated at
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Monday through Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
and at St. Thomas More
Monday through Saturday at 12:15 p.m.
Rev. Kevin V. Madigan
Services for Older Adults
Call: 347-702-3197
TUESDAY, January 21
2:30 PM – Discussion About Italian Movie
WEDNESDAY, January 22
2:30 PM – Advanced Italian Class
THURSDAY, January 23
2:30 PM – MoCA Cognitive Test – By Appointment Only
FRIDAY, January 24
1:00 PM – Socializing – Bridge Game
SATURDAY, January 25
10:30 AM – Risk Management at Home – For Family Caregivers (By Appointment Only)
1:00 PM – Learning New Things – Smartphone Class (English & Spanish, By Appointment Only)
2:30 PM – Learning New Things – Italian Conversation Class
SUNDAY, January 26
12:00 PM – Prueba de Memoria en Español (MOCA TEST)
Location: Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel (Parish Hall)
SÓLO CON CITA – 347-702-3197
Caregivercare is organizing this program to provide a trained volunteer who will act as a companion at home for Older Adults with dementia. We meet and train potential volunteers on Friday in the Rectory of St. Thomas More Church. The goal is to support families on this grueling journey. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please email [email protected]
or call 212-876-7718 - Ext. 32
Support Group for Family Caregivers. A certified mental health counseling practitioner will lead the conversations. Attending is free. Space is limited. If interested, please call 212-876-7718
Free Cognitive-Memory Screening
With A Certified Administrator
Cognitive Memory Screening is a proven cognitive-mnemonic screening tool that can help detect the early signs of memory loss or cognitive decline. With the results from this screening process, you can begin an informed discussion with your physician to determine if additional testing, follow-up or treatment is needed.
The test sites are
For more information contact: Gianni Perilli, Sociologist and President CGC - email: [email protected]
or call: 212-876-7718 ext.32
This program is made possible with the contribution of The Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel and St. Thomas More
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who continue to support our parish during these very difficult times. As you may be aware, electronic giving, through WeShare, has helped sustain our parish, especially during the months when we could not worship in person. This weekend, we are not asking for additional donations, but we are asking you to consider changing the way you support our parish to WeShare.
WeShare is a very simple way for you to continue to financially support our parish. We understand that parishioners like to put their envelopes/donations in the offertory basket. You may continue to do so and write WeShare on the front of the empty envelope.
To enroll in WeShare please visit the parish website and use the church specific "DONATE" button. If you have any questions, please contact Ed Litcher in the STM parish office.
Preparing for Baptism of your First Child
Parents MUST Pre-Register for a Preparation Meeting and Attend a Meeting on the first Tuesday evening of the month
at 7:00PM in the OLGC Rectory.
The next class will be held on
Tuesday, February 4th.
To Pre-Register for the Meeting call 212-289-1742 by 6pm on the day before the class. Baptisms take place on Sundays afternoons
12:30pm at OLGC & 1pm at STM).
To schedule Baptisms for other children
please call your Church Rectory
Catholic Underground
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
OLGC – 7:30pm to 10:00pm
2025 Schedule
January 11th, February 1st, March 1st
April 5th and May 3rd
For information visit:
Classes for grades 1-8
Parents registering their child(ren) for the first time should provide a copy of their Catholic Baptismal Certificate.
The fee per child is $100 for active parishioners and $120 for inactive and non-parishioners.
The fee can be paid online at
or by check or cash upon registration.
For registration and additional information
Email: [email protected].
OLGC – Religious Ed Teachers
We are currently looking for volunteers to assist in teaching grades 1-8. Please let us know if you are interested. Prior teaching experience is not required. To address any questions or concerns please feel free to email [email protected]
Personal Assisted Listening Systems
The Our Lady of Good Counsel & St. Thomas More Parish will now begin to offer Personal Assisted Listening Systems at each Sunday Mass. This system will benefit those who are hearing impaired who wish to use either an on-ear device or a device that will work with their current hearing aid.
If you wish to use a device, while attending a Sunday Mass at STM, please contact an Usher prior to the start of Mass.
Parish Youth & Family Sandwich Making
Next Session: Sunday, February 9th
12:00pm – STM Rochester Room
Families work together to make 250+ sandwiches to benefit the NY Common Pantry. Come once, come regularly.
Just sign up by clicking here:
2025: March 09
April 13, May 04, June 08
[email protected]
Tuesdays, after the 12:15pm MassSeparated and Divorced Catholics
Zoom Meetings - 6:30pm - 1st and 3rd Thu.
Next Sessions – February 6th and 20th
For information email: [email protected]
or call 212-876-7718
The STM Semi-Annual Appeal Continues
Your support of our Semi-Annual appeal is needed to help us manage some of the extraordinary expenses associated with our effort to maintain and hopefully improve our beloved 150 year old house of worship.
We asks that you prayerfully consider your gift.
Your continued support of our beloved church is truly appreciated.
Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 6:30
at St. Thomas More.
For our January book club, we will be reading
Charles Dickens' David Copperfield.
David Copperfield relates the story of a young boy's growth and development. It is written from the point of view of the mature adult who recounts his own obstacles and that of those around him and how it all shaped his life and his beliefs.
Happy Reading - Please Join Us
Father James Sheehan celebrates a
Healing Mass at St. Thomas More.
The next Healing Mass is scheduled for Thursday, February6, 2025 7:00pm -8:30pm
The 2025 Healing Mass Schedule:
Feb 6th, Mar 6th, Apr 3rd, May 1st, June 5th,
Sept 4th, Oct 2nd, Nov 6th, and Dec 4th.
No Healing Masses have been scheduled for:
July or August 2025. For any questions, please call
Fr. James Sheehan: 718 289-5954.
If you have recently lost a loved one, you may wish to participate in our upcoming set of
Bereavement Support Meetings.
Please call 212 876 7718
Participate - in one of the parish’s long standing traditions
after the 10am Sunday Mass
The STM Coffee Hour.
In addition to pleasantly sharing time with members of our community, you can help to keep this tradition alive by
Hosting a Coffee Hour.
To sign up as a host,
use the following link:
As a Host, you will only be asked to provide
small cakes, cupcakes or cookies for the event.
For additional information, please
email: [email protected]
Talks with our presenter, Peter McFadden, who trained with
Dr. John Gottman and worked with more than 5,000 couples. To obtain a link to any of the previous
Marriage Presentations
conducted at STM please visit:
STM – Religious Education Program
The Religious Education Classes
will be held in the STM Rectory
starting on the following dates.
First Communion
Year 1 - Tuesday at 5:00pm
Year 2 – Thursday at 5:00pm
Year 1 – Tuesday at 6:00pm
For registration and additional information
Call Catherine Scalera at 212-876-7718 or
Email: [email protected].
Parents registering their child(ren) for the first time should provide a copy of their Catholic Baptismal Certificate.
The fee per child is $125 for active parishioners and $200 for inactive and non-parishioners.
The fee can be paid online at
or by check or cash before the first day of class. Reminder: The student will be required to complete two consecutive years of Religious Education before receiving either their First Communion or the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A quarterly publication of the Archdiocese of New York, created to give our 2.8 million Catholics news and information about events, programming, and volunteer and charitable opportunities available to them. To download latest edition of Archways, please visit:
The Archdiocese of New York's
Monthly Digital Bulletin
Presenting some of the most recent issues of the Archdiocese
The Good Newsroom: the Archdiocese of New York’s new fully digital news platform. This publishing model includes a website and social media feeds. It covers events and topics and make the information available quickly to all of the visitors and followers. As of today, you can also find the App for The Good Newsroom in the Apple App Store and on Google Play. The Archdiocese created this App so that you could stay connected with us and get regular updates throughout the day directly to your mobile device. The app gives you easy access to all of our high-quality content, stories and updates about the people, parishes, and ministries throughout the archdiocese – and best of all, it’s free! To access this new platform, please visit:
Office: (212) 219-3132
Box Office (212) 925-2812
Parish Counseling Network
Struggling with marital issues, parenting, elder care, job loss or bereavement? Take advantage of Catholic Charities affordable – yes; practically free - Parish Counseling Network, which provides parishioners with short-term professional counseling at convenient locations throughout the Archdiocese of New York.
Parishioners, referred by the Pastor, are eligible for up to 6 counseling sessions
Fee per session is just a $10 co-pay.
If additional counseling is needed, parishioners will be referred to counseling practitioners or treatments centers outside the Network.
Many practitioners are bilingual in Spanish and English.
People needing other services can be referred to one of Catholic Charities regional locations for emergency food, housing, immigration services, addiction services and more.
Interested? Speak with
Sharon Colandra (OLGC)
or Catherine Scalera (STM)
or more information.
The Christophers
In our world today we are bombarded by many confusing and contradictory messages. The Christophers message is a message of hope and love of God. Even our name, The Christophers, means the Christ bearers. To view our work please go to https//
MGN Online Support Group
At 8pm on the 3rd Friday of each month via Zoom
Abuse is never your fault and you are not alone. This online support group is for all those in any way affected by abuse (physical, sexual, mental, emotional, financial, etc.) to experience healing in God's love and freedom through forgiveness. Contact [email protected] for the Zoom link or visit for more information.
Children’s Catholic Catechism
In-Person Classes – Grades 1-7 & Sacrament Prep.
Once a week – October – May
Call: 212-535-9329
Email: [email protected]
Online Giving Systems are now available to All Parishioners.
Cardinals Annual Stewardship Appeal
Make the most of your donation…
Talk to your company about its Matching Gift Program
2024 Cardinal's Appeal Video
2024 Vídeo de la apelación del Cardenal